CEO Webcast Series – Property Management Leadership…Strategic Versus Tactical?

The webcast below is focused on property management leadership and how to best maximize your time/efforts to reach your business targets and best outcomes/performance.

I am certain you will enjoy this webcast…and all that you learn from it.

CEO Webcast Series – Property Management Leadership…Strategic Versus Tactical?

This webcast includes 60 minutes of a captivating & informative discussion focused on the power of macro versus micro leadership—and when/why to shift gears between each approach. This informative discussion focuses on how property management leaders can go from managing the big picture, to handling the small details within minutes, and knowing when to flip the switch between the two.

Webcast Discussion Highlights

A. What is root cause and how does it impact your leadership success?

B. Inspect what you expect…what really matters most?

C. Leadership dashboard…what are industry best practices?

D. Recruit, train and career-path the very best…what are the next steps?

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Posted by Patricia McLoughlin

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