CEO Webcast Series – Resident Retention…Retaining Residents In Today’s Market

Focused on resident retention…below is a recent property management webcast you will enjoy…and learn from~

CEO Webcast Series – Resident Retention…Retaining Residents In Today’s Market

This webcast includes 60 minutes of a captivating and informative discussion focused on how to utilize and create tools to retain the new breed of renter in today’s rapidly changing marketplace. This lively discussion takes you from why people are choosing renting versus buying, to using local resources around your community as a method to retain residents and separate yourself from the competition.

Webcast Discussion Highlights

A. Why do people choose to rent?

B. How are today’s renters different from a decade ago?

C. What makes an apartment a home?

D. What drives residents to leave a community and what does that really cost?

E. What converts an apartment project into a community of homes?

To learn more about this topic and to read the news, trends and ideas being shared by property management leaders…join the discussion thread below~with 45+ posts.

Industry Knowledge, Resident Retention

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Posted by Patricia McLoughlin

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