Knowing the property management executives—who guide/lead/run your local/regional/national associations—could you please forward/share the invitation below with them?
If you are an executive for a property management association/organization…please surf the url below and join us.
[This LinkedIn group will never have more than 100 select PM association leaders/members ]
This LinkedIn group is for executives/professionals who run/manage property management associations & provide support for industry sales vendors/suppliers. The members of this LinkedIn group are also members of NAA, IREM, NARPM, BOMA & NAR associations.
The goal of this group is to facilitate connections between property management association executives/professionals, to help you improve your professional development/skills & to serve as a learning resource for the property management association sector.
In addition, this group is a perfect place to share new revenue ideas, get feedback on member services, work together on the marketing steps for gaining new members & discuss new ways to sell advertising in your member publications + websites.
This LinkedIn group helps property management association professionals collaborate, share, mentor & strategize when it comes to issues, challenges & opportunities.
Our LinkedIn groups are growing by 4000+ new leaders every 30 days…because all discussions are carefully moderated, no commercial messages are permitted and spammers are removed—immediately.
Please forward/share the url below with those on your team…so they can learn about all 9 of our property management LinkedIn groups with 33,000+ leaders and our Best 102 Industry Knowledge discussion threads that focus on industry emerging trends/technology, products, services and suppliers/vendors,
Based on group size…we’re #357 of 1,256,447 worldwide LinkedIn groups with 33,000+ members who are part of our 9 LinkedIn groups
The Coach…and your LinkedIn group owner/moderator
For the list of the Best 102 Property Management Industry Knowledge discussions, surf here:
===>>>The fastest way to raise your success within our LinkedIn group is to make a post on one of the discussion threads on the url above—that will be seen by 12,000,000+ property management leaders/readers/members over the next 365 days~
Posted by Ernest Oriente