Looking for a Multifamily Developer CFO

Would you know a property management regional developer/builder in the Mid Atlantic area that would be interested in the position described below? Could you please forward/share this note…to those who you know in the property management industry–and who may/might be a perfect fit?

Mid Atlantic regional developer builder of multifamily housing is seeking a Chief Financial Officer in the MD/DC/VA [Mid Atlantic] area. Responsibilities include management of accounting, internal and external financial reporting, taxation, financial planning functions and internal control environment. Corporate finance department had staff management. Candidate will become a member of the executive committee and is responsible for the strategic planning of the company while serving as liaison to investors, lenders, and credit agencies and taking the lead on presentations to investors. Qualifications: Must have 6-12 years finance/accounting in multifamily development and construction combined with strong pro forma property investment analysis and spreadsheet modeling. Direct negotiations experience with lenders for real estate investment experience. Further, this position requires superb communication skills and must have a deep knowledge of development numbers for apartment development and construction for newly built multifamily market rate project development; ideally, with luxury apartment development experience. Company offers a strong compensation package, $180k – $400k++. Please send resume to recruiter@powerhour.com


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And all of our candidates complete our proprietary pre-hire testing—that compares each candidate to a sales benchmark of the very best in the property management industry.


If you are interested in the candidate above or would like to hire other property management leaders with 10+ years of industry experience—please send a quick E-mail to recruiter@powerhour.com

Thanks for your help~

Crag Simmons
VP of PowerHour


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Posted by Craig Simmons

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